Source code for action_triggers.apps

from django.apps import AppConfig, apps
from django.conf import settings

# Importing alone will trigger the checks
from action_triggers.checks import *  # noqa: F401,F403

[docs] class ActionTriggersConfig(AppConfig): name = "action_triggers" verbose_name = "Action Triggers"
[docs] def ready(self): """Register the models with the registry.""" self._register_models() self._setup_signals()
@staticmethod def _register_models(): """Register the models with the registry.""" from action_triggers.registry import add_to_registry models = apps.get_models() choices = set( settings.ACTION_TRIGGERS.get("whitelisted_content_types", {}) ) if choices: models = filter( lambda model: f"{model._meta.app_label}.{model._meta.model_name}" # noqa: E501 in choices, models, ) for model in models: add_to_registry(model) @staticmethod def _setup_signals(): """Setup the signals for the registered models.""" from . import signals signals.setup()