Source code for action_triggers.checks

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.checks import Error, Tags, Warning, register

from action_triggers.message_broker.enums import BrokerType

__all__ = [

[docs] @register(Tags.compatibility) def check_action_triggers_set(app_configs, **kwargs): """Check that `ACTION_TRIGGERS` has been set. :param app_configs: The app configuration. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. """ if getattr(settings, "ACTION_TRIGGERS", None) is None: return [ Error( "ACTION_TRIGGERS not set in", hint="Add ACTION_TRIGGERS to", id="action_triggers.E001", ) ] return []
@register(Tags.compatibility) def check_action_trigger_settings_set(app_configs, **kwargs): """Check that `ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS` has been set. :param app_configs: The app configuration. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. """ if getattr(settings, "ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS", None) is None: return [ Error( "ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS not set in", hint="Add ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS to", id="action_triggers.E004", ) ] return []
[docs] @register(Tags.compatibility) def check_broker_types_are_valid(app_configs, **kwargs): """Test that the `broker_type`s provied in `ACTION_TRIGGERS.brorkers` are valid. :param app_config: The app configuration. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. """ if getattr(settings, "ACTION_TRIGGERS", None) is None: return [] valid_broker_types = [ broker_type.value.lower() for broker_type in BrokerType ] errors = [] invalid_msg = ( "Invalid `broker_type` provided for broker {broker_key}: " "{broker_type}. Valid broker types are: {valid_broker_types}" ) invalid_hint = ( "Use valid broker types in ACTION_TRIGGERS['brokers'][{broker_key}]" ) missing_msg = "`broker_type` not set for broker {broker_key}" missing_hint = ( "Set `broker_type` in ACTION_TRIGGERS['brokers'][{broker_key}]" ) brokers = settings.ACTION_TRIGGERS.get("brokers", {}) for broker_key, broker_settings in brokers.items(): broker_type = broker_settings.get("broker_type") if broker_type is None: errors.append( Error( missing_msg.format(broker_key=broker_key), hint=missing_hint.format(broker_key=broker_key), id="action_triggers.E002", ) ) elif broker_type.lower() not in valid_broker_types: errors.append( Error( invalid_msg.format( broker_key=broker_key, broker_type=broker_type, valid_broker_types=valid_broker_types, ), hint=invalid_hint.format(broker_key=broker_key), id="action_triggers.E003", ) ) return errors
[docs] @register( def warning_whitelist_content_types_set(app_configs, **kwargs): """Check that `ACTION_TRIGGERS.whitelisted_content_types` has been set. If it has not, show a depreciation warning that in the future, the allowed content types will be set in the action trigger configuration. :param app_configs: The app configuration. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. """ if getattr(settings, "ACTION_TRIGGERS", None) is None: return [] if "whitelisted_content_types" not in settings.ACTION_TRIGGERS: msg = ( "ACTION_TRIGGERS.whitelisted_content_types not set in " " This will be required in the future where the " "allowed content types will need be set in the action trigger " "configuration." ) hint = "Add ACTION_TRIGGERS.whitelisted_content_types to" return [ Warning( msg, hint=hint, id="action_triggers.W001", ) ] return []
[docs] @register( def warning_whitelisted_webhook_endpoint_patterns_not_provided( app_configs, **kwargs ): """Check that `ACTION_TRIGGERS.whitelisted_webhook_endpoint_patterns` has been set. If it has not, show a message that any webhook endpoint will be allowed and that this is a security risk. :param app_configs: The app configuration. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. """ if getattr(settings, "ACTION_TRIGGERS", None) is None: return [] if "whitelisted_webhook_endpoint_patterns" not in settings.ACTION_TRIGGERS: msg = ( "ACTION_TRIGGERS.whitelisted_webhook_endpoint_patterns not set in " " This means that any webhook endpoint will be " "allowed which is a security risk. In the future, this will be " "required to be set." ) hint = ( "Add ACTION_TRIGGERS.whitelisted_webhook_endpoint_patterns to " "" ) return [ Warning( msg, hint=hint, id="action_triggers.W002", ) ] return []
@register(Tags.compatibility) def warning_timeout_settings_set(app_configs, **kwargs): """Check if the setting settings are set. If it is not, show a warning that it is recommended to set the setting. :param app_configs: The app configuration. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. """ if getattr(settings, "ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS", None) is None: return [] keys = ( "MAX_BROKER_TIMEOUT", "MAX_WEBHOOK_TIMEOUT", ) errors = [] msg = ( "{key} not set in ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS, it is recommended to set " "this setting to ensure that the action triggers do not hang by " "waiting indefinitely for a response when processing webhooks or " "message broker queues." ) hint = "Set {key} in ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS" for key in keys: if not settings.ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS.get(key): errors.append( Warning( msg.format(key=key), hint=hint.format(key=key), id="action_triggers.W003", ) ) return errors