Source code for action_triggers.config_required_fields

"""Provides classes to represent required fields for key/value pairs that must
be presenting in the `settings.ACTION_TRIGGERS` dictionary for a given action.

import typing as _t
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty

[docs] class RequiredFieldBase(ABC): """Represents a required field for the connection details and parameters that must be provided by the user. """ def __init__(self, field: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.field = field self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self._validate_init_params() def __str__(self) -> str: return self.key_repr def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.key_repr!r})"
[docs] @abstractmethod def check(self, context: dict) -> bool: """Check if the required field is present in the context. :param context: The context to check. :return: True if the field is present, False otherwise. """
@abstractproperty def error_msg(self) -> str: """The error message to display if the required field is not present. """ def _validate_init_params(self) -> None: """Validate the initialization parameters. :raises ValueError: If there is an issue with the initialisation parameters. """ @property def key_repr(self) -> str: """The key representation of the field.""" return self.field
[docs] class HasField(RequiredFieldBase): """Represents a required field that must be present in the context."""
[docs] def check_exists(self, context: dict) -> bool: """Check if the field is present in the context. :param context: The context to check. :return: True if the field is present, False otherwise. """ if self.field in context.keys(): return True else: self._error_msg = f"The field '{self.field}' must be provided." return False
[docs] def check_type_from_args(self, context: dict) -> bool: """Check if the field type is provided in the first positional argument, and if so, check if the field is of that type. :param context: The context to check. :return: True if the field is of the specified type, False otherwise. :raises ValueError: If the first positional argument is not a type. """ if not self.args: return True arg_0 = self.args[0] if not isinstance(context[self.field], arg_0): self._error_msg = ( f"The field '{self.field}' must be of type {arg_0.__name__}." ) return False return True
[docs] def check_type_from_kwargs(self, context: dict) -> bool: """Check if the field type is provided in the `type` keyword argument, and if so, check if the field is of that type. :param context: The context to check. :return: True if the field is of the specified type, False otherwise. """ if "type" not in self.kwargs: return True arg_0 = self.kwargs["type"] if not isinstance(context[self.field], arg_0): self._error_msg = ( f"The field '{self.field}' must be of type {arg_0.__name__}." ) return False return True
[docs] def check(self, context: dict) -> bool: """Check if the field is present in the context. :param context: The context to check. :return: True if the field is present, False otherwise. """ checks = ( self.check_exists, self.check_type_from_args, self.check_type_from_kwargs, ) return all(check(context) for check in checks)
@property def error_msg(self) -> str: """The error message to display if the field is not present.""" return self._error_msg
[docs] class HasAtLeastOneOffField(RequiredFieldBase): """Represents a required field that requires at least one of the fields to be present in the context. """ def __init__(self, field: str = "", *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(field, *args, **kwargs) def _validate_init_params(self) -> None: if self.field: raise ValueError( "'field' parameter not supported for this class. Use " "'fields' keyword argument instead." ) self.fields = self.kwargs.get("fields") if not self.fields or not isinstance(self.fields, _t.Sequence): raise ValueError( "'fields' keyword argument must be a non-empty sequence." )
[docs] def check(self, context: dict) -> bool: """Check if at least one of the fields is present in the context. :param context: The context to check. :return: True if at least one of the fields is present, False otherwise. """ return bool( set(_t.cast(_t.Sequence, self.fields)).intersection(context.keys()) )
@property def error_msg(self) -> str: """The error message to display if at least one of the fields is not present. """ return f"At least one of the fields {self.fields} must be provided." @property def key_repr(self) -> str: """The key representation of the field.""" return ", ".join(_t.cast(_t.Sequence, self.fields))