Source code for action_triggers.dispatch

"""Handles the dispatching of actions to the appropriate action handler."""

import asyncio
import logging
import typing as _t

from django.db.models import Model

from action_triggers.models import Config, Webhook
from action_triggers.msg_broker_queues import process_msg_broker_queue
from action_triggers.payload import get_payload_generator
from action_triggers.webhooks import WebhookProcessor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] async def process_webhook( config: Config, instance: Webhook, payload: _t.Union[dict, str], ) -> None: """Process the webhook for the given config and instance. :param config: The configuration object. :param instance: The webhook instance to process. :param payload: The payload to send with the webhook. :return: None """ try: processor = WebhookProcessor(instance, payload) await asyncio.wait_for(processor(), instance.timeout_respecting_max) except Exception as e: logger.error( "Error processing webhook %s for config %s: %s",,, e, )
[docs] def handle_action(config: Config, instance: Model) -> None: """Handle the action for the given config and instance. For each webhook and message broker queue associated with the config, the payload is generated and sent to the respective handlers. :param config: The configuration object. :param instance: The model instance which triggered the action. :return: None """ payload_gen = get_payload_generator(config) payload = payload_gen(instance) tasks = [] for webhook in config.webhooks.all(): tasks.append(process_webhook(config, webhook, payload)) for msg_broker_queue in config.message_broker_queues.all(): tasks.append(process_msg_broker_queue(msg_broker_queue, payload)) loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.gather( *tasks, return_exceptions=True, ) )