Source code for action_triggers.dynamic_loading

import re
import typing as _t

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

[docs] def restricted_import_string(path: str) -> _t.Any: """A restricted version of import_string that only allows importing from any path that has been defined in `settings.ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS.ALLOWED_DYNAMIC_IMPORT_PATHS`. This is to prevent arbitrary code execution via dynamic imports. :param path: The path to import from in the format `module.submodule.attr`. :raises RuntimeError: If no allowed paths are defined in settings. :raises ValueError: If the path is not allowed. :return: The imported object. """ ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS = getattr(settings, "ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS", {}) allowed_paths = ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS.get("ALLOWED_DYNAMIC_IMPORT_PATHS") if allowed_paths is None: raise RuntimeError( "No allowed paths defined in settings. Please define " "`ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS.ALLOWED_DYNAMIC_IMPORT_PATHS`." ) if path not in allowed_paths: raise ValueError( f"Path '{path}' not allowed. Please add it to " "`ACTION_TRIGGER_SETTINGS.ALLOWED_DYNAMIC_IMPORT_PATHS`." ) return import_string(path)
[docs] def get_path_result(path: str) -> _t.Any: """Get the result of a path. :param path: The path to import from in the format `module.submodule.attr`. :return: The imported object. """ obj = restricted_import_string(path) if callable(obj): return obj() return obj
[docs] def replace_string_with_result( string: str, opener: str = "{{", closer: str = "}}", ) -> str: """Replace all instances of `{{ path }}` in a string with the result of the path. :param string: The string to replace the paths in. :param opener: The opener of the path. :param closer: The closer of the path. :return: The string with the paths replaced. """ return re.sub( rf"{re.escape(opener)}(.*?){re.escape(closer)}", lambda m: str(get_path_result(, string, )
[docs] def replace_dict_values_with_results( dictionary: dict, opener: str = "{{", closer: str = "}}", ) -> dict: """Recursively all instances of `{{ path }}` in the values of a dictionary with the result of the path. :param dictionary: The dictionary to replace the paths in. :param opener: The opener of the path. :param closer: The closer of the path. :return: The dictionary with the paths replaced. """ new_dict: _t.Dict[str, _t.Any] = {} for k, v in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(v, str): new_dict[k] = replace_string_with_result(v, opener, closer) elif isinstance(v, dict): new_dict[k] = replace_dict_values_with_results(v, opener, closer) else: new_dict[k] = v return new_dict