Source code for action_triggers.enums

from django.db.models import TextChoices, signals

[docs] class HTTPMethodChoices(TextChoices): """Represents the supported HTTP methods for webhooks.""" GET = "GET", "GET" POST = "POST", "POST" PUT = "PUT", "PUT" PATCH = "PATCH", "PATCH" DELETE = "DELETE", "DELETE"
[docs] class SignalChoices(TextChoices): """Represents the supported signals for action triggers.""" PRE_SAVE = "pre_save", "Pre-save" POST_SAVE = "post_save", "Post-save" PRE_DELETE = "pre_delete", "Pre-delete" POST_DELETE = "post_delete", "Post-delete"
[docs] @classmethod def for_signal(cls, signal: signals.ModelSignal) -> "SignalChoices": """Return the SignalChoices instance for the given signal. :param signal: The signal to map to a SignalChoices instance. :type signal: signals.ModelSignal :return: The SignalChoices instance for the given signal. :rtype: SignalChoices """ signal_map = { signals.pre_save: cls.PRE_SAVE, signals.post_save: cls.POST_SAVE, signals.pre_delete: cls.PRE_DELETE, signals.post_delete: cls.POST_DELETE, } try: return signal_map[signal] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Unsupported signal type")