Source code for action_triggers.message_broker.base

import typing as _t
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty

from django.conf import settings

from action_triggers.config_required_fields import RequiredFieldBase
from action_triggers.dynamic_loading import replace_dict_values_with_results
from action_triggers.message_broker.error import MessageBrokerError

# TODO: The following class seems to hav two responsibilities. It should be
# split into two classes: one for managing the config details and the other
# for validating the connection details and parameters.
[docs] class ConnectionBase(ABC): """Base class for establishing a connection to a message broker. This class provides the capability to marry the configuration provided in the settings with the connection details and parameters provided by the user. However, this enforces a one-sided relationship where the user cannot overwrite the base configuration as defined in the settings as the base configuration always takes precedence. :param config: The configuration for the message broker as defined in `settings.ACTION_TRIGGERS["brokers"]`. :param conn_details: Additional connection parameters to use for establishing the connection provided by the user. :param params: Additional parameters to use for the message broker provided by the user. """ @abstractproperty def required_conn_detail_fields(self) -> _t.Sequence[RequiredFieldBase]: """The required connection detail fields that must be provided by the user. """ @abstractproperty def required_params_fields(self) -> _t.Sequence[RequiredFieldBase]: """The required parameters fields that must be provided by the user.""" def __init__(self, config: dict, conn_details: dict, params: dict): self.config = config self._user_conn_details = conn_details self._user_params = params self._conn_details: _t.Optional[dict] = None self._parmas: _t.Optional[dict] = None self._errors = MessageBrokerError() self.validate() self.conn: _t.Any = None async def __aenter__(self): await self.connect() return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close() @property def conn_details(self) -> dict: """Lazy load the the merged connection details. When merging the connection details, the user provided base connection details take precedence over the base configuration. :return: The merged connection details. """ if self._conn_details is None: self._conn_details = { **self.config.get("conn_details", {}), **self._user_conn_details, } return self._conn_details @property def params(self) -> dict: """Lazy load the the merged parameters. When merging the parameters, the user provided base parameters take precedence over the base configuration. :return: The merged parameters. """ if self._parmas is None: self._parmas = { **self.config.get("params", {}), **self._user_params, } return self._parmas
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """Validate the connection parameters. Raise an exception if invalid. """ self.validate_connection_details_not_overwritten() self.validate_params_not_overwritten() self.validate_required_conn_details() self.validate_required_params() self._errors.is_valid(raise_exception=True)
[docs] @abstractmethod async def connect(self) -> None: """Establish a connection to the message broker."""
[docs] @abstractmethod async def close(self) -> None: """Close the connection to the message broker."""
[docs] def validate_connection_details_not_overwritten(self) -> None: """Validate that the base connection details are not overwritten.""" conn_details_from_settings = self.config.get("conn_details") if not conn_details_from_settings: return for key, value in conn_details_from_settings.items(): if ( key in self._user_conn_details and self._user_conn_details[key] != value ): self._errors.add_connection_params_error( # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa: E501 key, f"Connection details for {key} cannot be overwritten." )
[docs] def validate_params_not_overwritten(self) -> None: """Validate that the base parameters are not overwritten.""" params_from_settings = self.config.get("params") if not params_from_settings: return for key, value in params_from_settings.items(): if key in self._user_params and self._user_params[key] != value: self._errors.add_params_error( # type: ignore[attr-defined] key, f"{key} cannot be overwritten." )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_required_keys( required_fields: _t.Sequence[RequiredFieldBase], settings_context: _t.Dict[str, _t.Any], err_fn: _t.Callable[[str, str], None], ) -> None: """Validate that the required keys are present in the connection details and parameters. :param required_fields: The required fields to check. :param settings_context: The context to check. :param err_fn: The function to call if the required fields are not """ for field in required_fields: if not field.check(settings_context): err_fn(field.key_repr, field.error_msg)
[docs] def validate_required_conn_details(self) -> None: """Validate that the required connection details are present.""" self.validate_required_keys( self.required_conn_detail_fields, self.conn_details, self._errors.add_connection_params_error, # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa: E501 )
[docs] def validate_required_params(self) -> None: """Validate that the required parameters are present.""" self.validate_required_keys( self.required_params_fields, self.params, self._errors.add_params_error, # type: ignore[attr-defined] )
[docs] class BrokerBase(ABC): """Base class for a message broker. This class should be subclassed to implement the specific message broker. :param conn_details: The connection parameters to use for establishing the connection. :param params: Additional parameters to use for the message broker. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the subclass. """ @abstractproperty def conn_class(self) -> _t.Type[ConnectionBase]: """The connection class to use for establishing a connection to the message broker. """ def __init__( self, broker_key: str, conn_details: _t.Union[dict, None], params: _t.Union[dict, None], **kwargs, ): self.broker_key = broker_key self.config = _t.cast(dict, settings.ACTION_TRIGGERS["brokers"])[ broker_key ] self.conn_details = replace_dict_values_with_results( { **(conn_details or {}), **(_t.cast(dict, self.config.get("conn_details")) or {}), } ) self.params = replace_dict_values_with_results( { **(params or {}), **(_t.cast(dict, self.config.get("params")) or {}), } ) self.kwargs = kwargs self._conn = self.conn_class( self.config, self.conn_details, self.params, )
[docs] async def send_message(self, message: str) -> None: """Starts a connection with the message broker and sends a message. :param message: The message to send to the message broker. """ async with self._conn as conn: await self._send_message_impl(conn, message)
@abstractmethod async def _send_message_impl(self, conn: _t.Any, message: str) -> None: """Implementation of sending a message to the message broken given an established connection. :param conn: The established connection to the message broker. :param message: The message to send to the message broker. """