Source code for action_triggers.message_broker.rabbitmq

"""Module to support sending messages to RabbitMQ."""

import typing as _t
from copy import deepcopy

from action_triggers.config_required_fields import HasField
from action_triggers.message_broker.base import BrokerBase, ConnectionBase
from action_triggers.message_broker.enums import BrokerType
from action_triggers.utils.module_import import MissingImportWrapper

    import aio_pika  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    aio_pika = MissingImportWrapper("aio_pika")  # type: ignore[assignment]

[docs] class RabbitMQConnection(ConnectionBase): """Connection class for RabbitMQ.""" required_conn_detail_fields = () required_params_fields = (HasField("queue", str),)
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: # Python 3.8 requires the port to be an integer. # Resetting the cached connection details to ensure that when the lazy # property is accessed, the updated port is used. super().validate() self._conn_details = None if "port" in self._user_conn_details: self._user_conn_details = deepcopy(self._user_conn_details) self._user_conn_details["port"] = int( self._user_conn_details["port"] )
[docs] async def connect(self) -> None: self.conn = await aio_pika.connect_robust( **self.conn_details, )
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: if self.conn: await self.conn.close() self.conn = None
[docs] class RabbitMQBroker(BrokerBase): """Broker class for RabbitMQ. :param broker_key: The key for the broker (must existing in `settings.ACTION_TRIGGERS`). :param conn_params: The connection parameters to use for establishing the connection. :param params: Additional parameters to use for the message broker. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the subclass. """ broker_type = BrokerType.RABBITMQ conn_class = RabbitMQConnection def __init__( self, broker_key: str, conn_params: _t.Union[dict, None], params: _t.Union[dict, None], **kwargs, ): super().__init__(broker_key, conn_params, params, **kwargs) self.queue = self.params.get("queue") = self.params.get("exchange", "") async def _send_message_impl(self, conn: _t.Any, message: str) -> None: """Send a message to the RabbitMQ broker. :param conn: The connection to the broker. :param message: The message to send. """ async with conn.conn as connection: async with as channel: await channel.default_exchange.publish( aio_pika.Message(body=message.encode()), routing_key=self.queue, )