Source code for action_triggers.payload

import json
import typing as _t
from functools import partial

from django.core import serializers
from django.db.models import Model
from django.template import Context, Template

from action_triggers.models import Config

[docs] def parse_payload(instance: Model, payload: str) -> _t.Union[dict, str]: """Parse a payload dictionary with a model instance and return the parsed object. If the parsed object is JSON serializable, it will be returned as a dictionary, otherwise it will be returned as a string. :param instance: The model instance to parse the payload for. :param payload: The payload to parse. :return: The parsed payload - either a dictionary or a string depending on whether the parsed object is JSON serializable. """ parsed = Template(payload).render(Context({"instance": instance})) try: return json.loads(parsed.replace("'", '"')) except json.JSONDecodeError: return parsed
[docs] def payload_from_instance(instance: Model) -> dict: """Generates a payload from a model instance. :param instance: The model instance to generate the payload from. :return: A dictionary representing the payload derived from the model instance. """ data = json.loads( serializers.serialize( "json", [instance], use_natural_primary_keys=True, ) )[0] return data["fields"]
[docs] def get_payload_generator( config: Config, ) -> _t.Callable[[Model], _t.Union[dict, str]]: """Returns a function that generates a payload from a model instance and config. :param config: The configuration object to use for generating the payload. :return: If the config has a payload, the function will return a callable that generates the payload using the provided payload in the config object. Otherwise, it will return a callable that generates the payload from the model instance """ if config.payload: return partial(parse_payload, payload=config.payload) return payload_from_instance