Source code for action_triggers.registry

"""Contains collection of models that have been registered to have signals
dispatched for. Also contains helper functions relating to the registry.

import typing as _t

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models import Model, QuerySet
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase

T_ModelOrModelBase = _t.Union[Model, _t.Type[Model]]

registered_models: _t.Dict[str, _t.Type[Model]] = {}

[docs] def model_str(model: T_ModelOrModelBase) -> str: """Returns a string representation of the model which can be used to identify both the app label and the model name. :param model: The model to get the string representation of. :type model: Union[Model, Type[Model]] :return: A string representation of the model. :rtype: str """ return f"{model._meta.app_label}.{model._meta.model_name}"
[docs] def add_to_registry(model: T_ModelOrModelBase) -> None: """Adds a model to the registry. :param model: The model to add to the registry. :type model: Union[Model, Type[Model]] :return: None """ if not isinstance(model, ModelBase): model = model.__class__ registered_models[model_str(model)] = model
[docs] def model_in_registry(model: T_ModelOrModelBase) -> bool: """Checks if a model is in the registry. :param model: The model to check. :type model: Union[Model, Type[Model]] :return: True if the model is in the registry, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return model_str(model) in registered_models
[docs] def registered_content_types() -> QuerySet[ContentType]: """Return a queryset of all the content types registered in the registry. :return: A queryset of all the content types registered in the registry. :rtype: QuerySet[ContentType] """ content_types = [] for model in registered_models.values(): content_types.append(ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)) content_type_ids = [ for ct in content_types] return ContentType.objects.filter(id__in=content_type_ids)